Science defines boundaries, art reveals the boundless reality within.
Emerging as three symmetrically aligned archways, Axiom presents a series of animations that envelop its contours and embody its volume. Within Axiom exists a transition between form and illumination; the intent being to cause the observer to reconsider the boundaries of what is virtual and what is actual.
The animations and soundscape provides an evolving syncopated framework, moving from meditative pulsations to rapid percussions. As these audiovisual arrangements gradually unfold throughout the work, the symmetry of light, sound, space and time are explored, anatomised and re-invented. This contortion of compositional and choreographic techniques illustrates a deconstruction of materiality, with the objective of rebuilding it in an alternate mode. A dissection of space and time.
Axiom breaks conventions by harnessing and re-appropriating the power of vision and software technologies to evoke a new form of non-linear experiential response, one that takes us on a trip to the threshold of perceptibility.
Axiom runs autonomously or can be piloted live by Kit Webster, who manipulates the the generative real-time particles and the music simultaneously, providing an audio-visual synaesthetic performance.